Cats Are Naturally Curious Animals – This Cat Just Has To Know What’s Going On!

By Thena Reading-Franssen 6 years agoNo Comments

Your cat is probably one of the most curious creatures you’ve ever seen. And in the eyes of a cat, there are so many new adventures and things to discover each and every day. How many times has your cat crept up to you, just to figure out what’s going on?

More than likely, a lot. And once your cat finds out that everything is okay, he or she is back to doing whatever they want to do. Aren’t cats just amazing?

Cats Are Naturally Curious Animals

The cat in this video is no different. It wants to see how and why the dog is sleeping peacefully, and then once that happens, the cat is moving on. With quite the swagger, I may add.

  Cat Videos
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 Thena Reading-Franssen

  (41 articles)

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