You Have To See This Cat Who Gives Herself A Shower

By Thena Reading-Franssen 6 years agoNo Comments

Don’t cat’s normally not like baths? Or anything to do with water in general? Most times, that’s the case…but then a cat like Vanna comes along and changes the game.

You Have To See This Cat Who Take A Shower

Now, don’t get me wrong…I would have no complaints if my cat just up and started showering herself…the chance that she will start doing that after never having done that for the past 9 years is slim but I’m still gonna hold onto hope.

If your cat actually likes water, how cool! This is one thing that makes them totally unique and really, really fun. The next time that they start to bathe themselves with someone other than their paws, grab a camera to show all your family and friends!

Just make certain that you have an area big enough for your cat to move and shower in, or they make knock over a few things that stand in their way!

How cool would it be to get your own cat on a daily shower routine? Hey, if cats can be toilet-trained, anything is possible!

  Cat Videos, Entertainment
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 Thena Reading-Franssen

  (41 articles)

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