Looking for some amazing female cat names to name your adorable new kitten? Here are over 100 That you should really consider! And just because I love you all so much, I’ve added even more names to this list as a bonus surprise! One of my favorite parts about getting a new kitten is looking [...]
These Halloween kitty Cat Costumes are perfect for cats of all breeds and sizes! Who says that your cats can’t dress up for Halloween as well? Last year I created a list of Halloween costumes for your cat, and you all loved it! So, I decided why not do it again this year with different [...]
This kitten is just too tired! No matter what, he just can’t keep his eyes open any longer. And how adorable is this? Tired Kitten Just Can’t Handle It Isn’t it fun to see kittens when they are just too tired to deal with life? This kitten proves that sleeping is the most [...]
I’m “paw”sitive that cat puns never get old. There’s just something so hilariously innocent about them that make them truly funny each and every time. Kids love them, adults love them, and honestly, if cats could laugh out loud, I’m certain that they’d be rolling [...]
If you’re looking for some simple homemade cat treats to spoil your cat baby, look no further than these simple options! Let’s take a minute to really swoon over our furry fur babies! I love to pamper our pets, and I am all about making homemade cat treats, toys, and more. Nothing says [...]
Looking for some really great items to spoil your cat? These are the best cat toys for your cat’s Easter basket! I have created a collection of the best cat toys to stuff in your cat’s Easter basket this year. Easter isn’t just for humans! Pamper your furry feline with fun toys [...]
Having a family full of cat lovers is a great thing, but can often lead to many discussions about what cat is the perfect cat for your family. Is there ever such a thing as finding that one “perfect” cat? After all…aren’t all cats perfect? If your family has different wants [...]
Is your sweet kitty leaving you poop piles all over the house instead of hitting the litter box? Potty problems can be a common problem for the many cat lovers of the world. Don’t worry; there are some straightforward things you can do to try to narrow down what the issue is. Your cat probably [...]
Let’s face it your feline friend has so many exciting and unique facts that may surprise you. Your cat’s tummy is a wonderland. The belly is a sacred place that is also very interesting. Over the years you may have found yourself asking so many questions specifically regarding cat bellies. [...]
Are cat laser toys really safe for your cat? You might think why wouldn’t it be, and why question a toy? Well, sometimes they are not fully safe for your cat, and I will share why below. A laser toy can provide hours of endless fun for your cat, but they can also be harmful if you do not play [...]
If you love to curl up with a good book, a fuzzy blanket, and a warm cup of apple cider than you are in luck. I have some great must read cat books that are perfect for this fall season. Nothing is more relaxing than finding a cozy spot in the home to read a nice relaxing book. If you are like me [...]
Did you know that kidney stones in cats are common and something you should know about? Your cat’s kidneys are what clean and filter the blood and create urine. Little hard deposits develop which create a stone that your cat might struggle to pass on their own. Will your cat showcase [...]
Hairballs in cats happen, sometimes more often than we would like. If your cat suffers from quite a few hairballs, you might want to try some of these home remedies below. They might bring relief to you and your cat, and save you from cleaning up a mess, and your poor cat working at getting the [...]
Do cats have nine lives? Does your cat truly land on their feet everytime they fall? Let me share some cat myths that you might have heard a time or two. Stop believing the myths and know the truth. The better we learn the truth behind our adorable felines, the better we can care for them. Check [...]
Bringing home a new kitten, it is always fun to sit down and have some cat playtime throughout the day. Watching them bat at the little puff ball floating through the air, and more is entertaining for you and your kitten. But is cat playtime important as your kitten grows older? Yes! You should [...]
Many people have cat allergens and over time you can build up a tolerance or learn to manage your symptoms you experience. There are ways that you can reduce cat allergens in the home, whether it be for you, a family member, or even guests that come into your home. Let me share these must follow [...]
Should you microchip your cat or not? That is the question many cat owners ask. Let me help share the benefits and list some risks to consider. Ultimately you are the one that has to be happy with your decision. Learn what microchipping is, along with the benefits and risks are. You can walk away [...]
Halloween is approaching, and since we talk about cats on here, why not toss in a costume for you to consider! Create a black cat costume with clothes from your closet, and buy nothing or just minimal items! This is a great way to dress up for Halloween for parties, trick-or-treating, or just for [...]
Is your dream job is to be able to babysit for cats, aka cat sitter? If so, then check out these tips below. These tips will help set you up for success and help your dream to become a reality in no time. Cat sitters are very popular and needed in all states. Some larger cities might offer you more [...]
Are you considering adopting or buying a new cat? If so check out this list of items below that you might want to have on hand before you bring your furry feline home. This list of supplies will help make the transition of a new cat a lot easier than if you didn’t have supplies on hand. Check [...]