Cat Shedding: You Can’t Stop It But You Can Tackle It With These Tips

By Kelsey Apley 6 years agoNo Comments

Cat shedding is something that happens whether we like it or not. It can make a mess on your furniture, clothes, floors, and anywhere else it lands. I have some wonderful tips to help tackle it in a variety of ways and help lower the amount of cat hair you have to clean up. There is such a thing as healthy shedding for your cat, but if they are losing too much it can mean they are lacking in a few areas. Shedding is due to the breed, age, diet, and the season. Learn how to really deal with all the fallout, and keep your home cleaner, and your cat healthy.

#CrazyCatLady #CatCare #CatHairProblem cat shedding

We had hardwood floors when we were kids, and always had a cat or two that was inside. I remember one of our cats, Elizabeth, would shed like crazy. She had long hair, and it seemed like no matter what, we would see big clumps of cat hair flowing on the floor when the fan was on. I swear we cleaned it up each day, but it always came back. Then we implemented these tips below and the hair fallout become less and less. If you have a cat that sheds in a big way, you might benefit from these tips like us.

Lessen The Cat Shedding Today

 #CrazyCatLady #CatCare #CatHairProblem cat shedding

Supplement and Food

The biggest thing I recommend is buying quality cat food. You might be shocked at what a quality food can do for your cat. It can give them a healthy coat with a nice shine, nourish their body and coat and helps lessen the fallout of hair. Look for a cat food that has Omega-3 and/or Omega-6 fatty acids, these will drastically help the excessive shedding.

Or invest in some supplements to help aid in a healthy coat and overall health. These VetWELL supplements have Omega 3,6, and 9 so they are great for helping with a healthy coat, and great if your cat has any skin issues.

Bathe or Wipe Down Cat Often

Make sure to take time and give your cat a good cleaning. If they tolerate the bath, try to bathe often for getting rid of loose hair, freshening them up and getting rid of any excessive oils. If your cat is not a fan of bathing, try these cat bath wipes, or this dry shampoo. Making sure to remove excess oils and keeping your cat cleaner can really help with cat shedding.

Brush Away

There are hundreds of cat brushes on the market these days. Find one that you like and your cat tolerates well and brush them regularly. If you can, brush each day or every other day. This is a great way to really help lessen the amount of hair that gets everywhere in your home. They even have grooming gloves which makes it a breeze to brush your cat. Slip the glove on and begin petting and before you know it, the glove will have picked up the loose hair!

The Take Away on Cat Shedding

To me, the biggest thing is making sure you properly care for your cat by feeding food that offers nutrients, supplements and taking the time to care for their coat. Then you have your regular maintenance of vacuuming, sweeping and so on. While we can’t make shedding go away completely, we can manage it, with these truly easy tips above.


  Cat Care
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 Kelsey Apley

  (188 articles)

I am a city girl who has now moved to the country for a more relaxed lifestyle, with my husband and son! We love to be outdoors in nature, doing crafts, and just taking each day as a new adventure. I am a freelance writer and stay at home mom by day!

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